VdGS-NE Fall Workshop 2019
The VdGS-NE Fall 2019 workshop Mostly Maximilian took place at Mount Holyoke College in South Hadley MA on Sunday, October 20, 2019. The registration deadline is September 28, 2019.
The VdGS-NE Fall 2019 workshop Mostly Maximilian took place at Mount Holyoke College in South Hadley MA on Sunday, October 20, 2019. The registration deadline is September 28, 2019.
The VdGS-NE Spring 2019 workshop: Comme femme discomfortée: a fifteenth century song goes viral, took place at Trinity Church in Concord on April 27, 2019 and Wendy Gillespie is the Music Director.
The VdGS-NE winter workshop took place at Brandeis University on Saturday February 2, 2019. The topic was “Motets of Alfonso Ferrabosco II” and the Music Director is Hannah Davidson.
The Fall 2018 workshop took place on Saturday, November 3, at Brandeis University. In the workshop, entitled “This is the Record of Orlando: Verse Anthems and Consort Songs,” music director Sheila Beardslee lead participants through verse anthems of Gibbons and his contemporaries.
This year’s spring workshop took place at Brandeis University on Sunday, April 29. The theme of the workshop was “Music at the Württemberg Court and beyond” with directors, Anne Legêne and Karen Burciaga, members of Long and Away Consort of Viols. Local coordinators were Hannah Davidson and Alexandra Hawley. For a full description, see Workshop Flyer.
The 2017 winter workshop took place on Saturday, January 27 at Brandeis University, and was directed by Patricia Ann Neely. The title of the workshop: “William White and Shades of White – William White and his Contemporaries”.
Fall Workshop: October 28, 2017. “Make a Joyful Noise: Psalms, Hymns and (mostly) Spiritual Songs: Byrd, Billings and Beyond” – Roland Hutchinson, director
Click here for a complete list.
VdGS-NE sometimes offers Mini-Classes or small, specialized workshops. Here are some examples of ones we have held in past years. Future Mini-Classes will also be announced here.